Depolox 3PLUS

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Depolox 3PLUS

Depolox@ 3PLUS余氯分析仪可连续检测饮用水中自由氯或总氯(化合物),二氧化氯或臭氧。

Depolox@ 3PLUS余氯分析仪可连续检测饮用水中自由氯或总氯(化合物),二氧化氯或臭氧。采用经过实践证明并得到广泛认可的电流测量技术,该分析仪直接检测这些消毒剂余量,并输4-20mA 的信号,用于控制或记录,同时提供一体的报警继电器。该分析仪还可用于检测温度、PH值或氟化物。

The DEPOLOX® 3 plus residual analyzer continuously measures free or total (combined) chlorine, chlorine dioxide or ozone in drinking water applications. Utilizing proven and universally accepted amperometric measurement technology, this analyzer directly measures these disinfectant residuals and provides a 4-20 mA output signal for control or recording purposes. Integral alarm relays are provided. The analyzer is also available in an arrangement for measuring temperature and pH or fluoride.




无需试剂检测余氢这种内部缓冲膜式传感器不需要任何试剂就可检测自由氯或总氯,包括pH 值变化的样水。因为无化学试剂加入水中,检测过的样水可返回供水管线,或不加任何处理的排放。


Three electrode measuring cell
For disinfectant measurement, a three electrode technology measuring cell is used. This cell eliminates the need for the constant zero adjustment typical of other analyzers. Reliability and stability are vastly improved while maintenance is dramatically reduced. This technology is used in both the bare-electrode and membrane-type cells.



有两种电子控制单元选择:只测量消毒剂的单信号输入,以及测量消毒剂和PH值或氟化物的双信号输入。另外,根据测量单元配置不同,单输入和双输入都可以获得样水温度信号。测量单元共有5 种不同配置:两种是裸电极测量单元( Depolox@ 3 PLUS 测量单元和Depolox@ 5 测量单元) ;还有两种为膜电极测量单元( Depolox@ 3 PLUS 膜测量单元和VariaSens™ 测量单元) ;以及一种Y型过流探头组件,仅用于检测氟。


Reagentless chlorine measurement
The internally buffered membrane-type sensor measures free or total chlorine without the need for reagents. This includes samples with varying pH. With no chemical addition, the sample can be added back to the supply or simply drained without concern for discharge restrictions.



分析仪外壳封装等级为NEMA 4X ,可提供3 个隔离4-20mA输出信号,消毒剂余量、温度、pH{直或氟。还有一个报警继电器以及RS-485通讯接口,还包括背光式的LED显示器和六键键盘,键盘可用于各种操作,包括输入信息、设定,校准和诊断菜单。


Flexible arrangements
There are two electronic control configurations: a single input version for disinfectant only measurement and a dual-input version for disinfectant and pH or fluoride measurement. In addition, a sample temperature output signal is available from both the single and dual input arrangements, dependent on the choice of flow cell. There are a total of five flow cell configurations: two that incorporate the integral bare-electrode measuring cell (DEPOLOX 3 plus and DEPOLOX 5 flow cell); two that accommodate the membrane-type measuring
cell (DEPOLOX 3 plus membrane-type and VariaSens™ flow cell); and a simple Y-type flow-thru probe holder for fluoride only measurement.



• 无需试剂即可检测余氯

• 灵活的配置-包括四种样水杯以及两种控制单元

• NEMA4X外壳

• 余量测量可靠并稳定

• 用户友好的菜单界面,用于设定、校准和分析诊断


Key Benefits
• Chlorine measurement without reagents
• Flexible arrangements - four flow cell and two electronic control units are available
• Advanced electronics housed in a NEMA 4X enclosure
• Reliable and stable measurement of residuals
• User-friendly menu driven access to set-up, calibration and diagnostics





Choice of flow cell technology
To ensure a stable, representative measurement signal, a constant flow rate is required. This is provided by a choice of flow cells, dependant on the type of measurement technology that is used:




该检测技术的特点是用于自由氯的裸电极测量单元。利用三电极单元,这种独特的同时结合分析仪/传感器的方式,具有非常快的响应时间(变化90%<20秒) ,以及很高的精度(满量程的:t 2% ) ,以满足波动较大的消毒应用,或者适合用在水质硬度过大而无法使用膜电极的情况下。为维持裸电极传感器的灵敏度,延长校准的时间间隔,可采用石英砂根据流体力学清洁电极表面,但要求样水具有稳定的pH 值。另一选择是附加pH传感器,利用双输入控制单元,无需加入缓冲试剂即可在测量自由氯时对pH 值进行补偿。


Bare-electrode type cell for free chlorine
This measurement technology features an integral, bare-electrode flow cell for free chlorine. Utilizing the three electrode cell design described above, this unique combination of analyzer/sensor provides a very quick response time (90% change < 20 sec.) with high accuracy (±2% F.S.) to meet fluctuating disinfection demands or applications where there is a high degree of hardness, which prohibits the use of a membrane-type sensor. The well-proven principle of hydromechanical grit cleaning of the electrode surfaces maintains the sensitivity of the bare-electrode sensors extending the interval time between calibrations. A sample with a constant pH is required.
Alternatively, the addition of a pH sensor, utilizing the dual input electronic package, provides for a pH-compensated free Cl2 measurement without the need to buffer the sample.


Depolox@ 3 PLUS测量单元

此经济的测量单元组合包括一个透明玻璃树脂样水杯,并带有流量调节器以便为检测电极提供连续的样水流量。配有内置的PT 100传感器,在测量余氯的同时可提供温度补偿及温度检测输出信号。可通过测量单元顶盖增加pH 值或氟化物传感器探头。


DEPOLOX® 3 plus flow cell
This economical flow block assembly consists of a transparent Plexiglas body with an integral flow regulator to supply a consistent sample flow to the measuring electrodes. An integral PT 100 sensor provides for temperature compensation of the chlorine residual reading as well as a temperature measurement output signal. An additional sensor probe for pH or Fluoride can be added through the flow cell cover.


Depolox@ 5测量单元

比高端测量单元组合包括上述Depolox@ 3PLUS 的所有特点,并且把温度传感器升级为PT 1000 ,可输出和监测样水流量信号,以提供流量丢失报警信号。


DEPOLOX® 5 flow cell
This deluxe flow block assembly includes all of the features of the above DEPOLOX® 3 plus cell, except that an integral multi-sensor provides a PT 1000 temperature measurement and output and monitors sample flow to provide a loss-of-flow alarm contact.



膜电极传感器可检测四种消毒剂指标:自由氯、总氯、二氧化氯或者臭氧。三电极检测技术与膜相结合,可使这些氧化剂均匀扩散到传感器上。内部缓冲试剂减少了pH{直对检测余氯时的影响。因此,对于pH 值有变化的样水,不需要进行外部pH 缓冲或pH值补偿。传感器内置余氯测量时的温度补偿。


Membrane-type cell
There are four disinfectant specific, membrane-type sensors available for measuring either free chlorine, total chlorine, chlorine dioxide, or ozone. Utilizing the three electrode measurement technology, these sensors incorporate a membrane for diffusion of the oxidant into the working electrode. An internal, buffered electrolyte reduces the effect of pH on chlorine measurement. Therefore, external pH buffering or pH compensation is not required
for samples with a varying pH. Temperature compensation of the chlorine residual reading is built into the sensor.


Depolox@ 3 PLUS膜电极测量单元




DEPOLOX 3 plus membrane - type flow cell
This simple flow block housing is designed to provide a constant flow of water past the membrane surface of the removable sensor. Sensors can easily be changed to monitor different disinfectants. A water jet, designed into the flow block, removes any bubbles from the membrane surface, which can affect accuracy and stability. An additional sensor probe for pH or Fluoride can be added through the flow cell cover. Note that a measured temperature output is not available with this flow cell.


VariaSens ™测量单元

此测量单元,在上述测量单元的基础上,内部集成了一个流量调节器可保持样水流量恒定为33 I/h o 多功能传感器为PT 1000 ,可提供温度监测和输出以及监测样水流量,还可提供流量丢失报警信号。


VariaSens™ Flow Cell
In addition to the above, this flow block assembly utilizes an integral flow regulator to maintain the sample flow at a constant 33 l/h. An integral multi-sensor provides a PT 1000 temperature measurement and output and monitors sample flow to provide a loss-of-flow alarm contact.





Fluoride-Only Measurement
If fluoride is the only parameter to be measured, then a simple, flowthrough probe assembly can be provided. This consists of a Y-type flow-thru probe holder and a sample valve. Note that temperature measurement and output is not available with this configuration.

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